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Woman Rubbing Her Eyes

Eye Allergies

Eye allergies, also known as allergic conjunctivitis, are common reactions to irritants (allergens) that make the eyes produce histamine. This response leads to red, swollen, and itchy eyelids and conjunctiva. The eyes may tear and burn. Unlike other types of conjunctivitis, eye allergies don’t spread between people.

Those with eye allergies often experience nasal symptoms like an itchy, stuffy nose and sneezing. Typically linked to seasonal allergies, it’s a temporary condition. Allergens can include pet dander, dust, pollen, smoke, perfumes, or certain foods. If you can’t avoid the cause, the allergies may become more severe, causing significant burning, itching, and sensitivity to light.

Glasses/Contacts Rx

Obtaining your glasses and contact lens prescription involves a comprehensive eye examination conducted by an optometrist or ophthalmologist. Here’s an overview:

   Make an appointment with an eye care professional. If you already wear glasses or contacts, bring them to the appointment.

The eye care professional will ask about your medical history, any existing eye conditions, and any concerns or symptoms you may have.

You will read an eye chart to assess your distance vision.

A refractor is used to determine the prescription by having you look through different lenses to identify the ones that provide the clearest vision.

The eye care professional examines the health of your eyes using various tools, checking for conditions like glaucoma, cataracts, and retinal issues.

In some cases, intraocular pressure may be measured to screen for glaucoma.

The eye care professional will determine your prescription for glasses or contact lenses based on the results.

The eye care professional will discuss the findings, recommend suitable eyewear options, and answer any questions.

Importance of Having a Prescription

A prescription ensures that your glasses or contact lenses provide the correct vision correction tailored to your eyes.

Regular eye exams can detect eye diseases and conditions early, allowing timely treatment.

Wearing the correct prescription helps prevent eye strain, headaches, and discomfort associated with uncorrected vision.

Accurate vision correction is crucial for driving, working, and overall safety.

A precise prescription is essential for proper fit, comfort, and eye health for contact lens wearers.

Regular eye exams and obtaining accurate prescriptions are essential for maintaining good eye health, ensuring optimal vision, and addressing any potential issues early on.